Why Wait Till Someone Dies?
by DaySounds, © 2019
Tears on a cold, irresponsive, body;
Tears on ashes; tears on a coffin.
Words of love on ears that can no longer hear;
On a heart that is no longer warm.
Those ears which for many years begged;
That wounded heart that with every beat prayed.
Una rosa delicadamente puesta sobre la tumba;
Un "Perdona" a la tierra del olvido
Llevado por el viento.
Ese olvido premeditado, persistente...
¿Puede acaso un olvido ser premeditado?
Si se premedita, es abandono;
Desprecio si es persistente.
"Father, forgive our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us,"
Jesus told us to pray.
How can someone expect to go to Heaven,
And fellowship with God,
While refusing to have communion
With their brother or sister, father or mother,
On this earthly realm?
DaySounds, © 2019
PO Box 2145
Estes Park, CO 80517