
"Whenever you make a decision to do something
[which is not sinful or leading to sin],
schedule it."--Jay Edward Adams
"Only in God my soul quiets down. My salvation comes from Him.
Only He is my rock and my salvation ...
"They love lies; they bless with their mouths, but curse in
their hearts.
"Oh my soul, only rest in God, because from Him comes my hope.
Only He is my rock and my salvation. He is my refuge. I shall
not slip. In God is my salvation and my glory. In God is my
strong rock and my refuge ...
"Do not place your confidence in violence or stealing; do not
become proud; if riches increase, don't put your heart in them."
(Psalm 62:1, 4-7, 10)

"En Dios solamente está acallada mi alma; de Él viene mi salvación.
Él solamente es mi roca y mi salvación ...
"Aman la mentira; con su boca bendicen, pero maldicen en su
"Alma mía, en Dios solamente reposa, porque de Él es mi esperanza.
Él solamente es mi roca y mi salvación. Es mi refugio, no
resbalaré. En Dios está mi salvación y mi gloria; en Dios está mi
roca fuerte, y mi refugio ...
"No confiéis en la violencia, ni en la rapiña; no os envanezcáis;
si se aumentan las riquezas, no pongáis el corazón en ellas.
(Salmo 62:1, 4-7, 10)

  © DaySounds, 02/07/2025
PO Box 2145
Estes Park, CO 80517
