Calypso bulbosa (Fairy Slipper/Zapatilla de Venus)

Hadas, genios, dioses y diosas, imposibilidades
Original Spanish version/Versión original en español
By DaySounds © 2024
En la mitología antigua,
Un dios o diosa,
En los cuentos infantiles,
Un genio o hada
Deseos otorga,
Haciéndolos "realidad";
Una realidad imaginaria,
Que desaparece al despertar;
Cuando uno abre los ojos,
Ve que todo fue vanidad.
No así con nuestro Padre Dios;
Es cuando estamos despiertos,
Cuanto más sabemos que ahí está.
Cuando todo se hunde,
Y Él nos consuela;
Cuando el camino a seguir nos indica;
Cuando provee para nuestra necesidad;
Cuando calladamente nos aconseja y habla;
Cuando, por nuestro bien, nos disciplina:
Premia y castiga;
Cuando nos protege y sana; ...
¡Cúan grandes son Su amor y fidelidad!
Video cámara es el ojo,
Conectada al cerebro;
El cual, no sólo guarda archivos,
Carpetas, y fichas sin cuento,
Sino que toma decisiones creativas,
Y, en múltiples maneras,
Hace que funcione el cuerpo.
¿Quién fue el diseñador?
¿Quién el manufacturador?
¿Fue por casualidad
Que ellos mismos se hicieron?
Tiene más sentido
Creer en los genios, las hadas,
O en los dioses corruptos, egoístas,
Necios, lejanos, de la antigüedad,
Que en un universo sin un Sabio, Santo Creador,
Que nos quiere con genuino, persistente Amor.
Original version slightly modified and translated into English
By DaySounds © 2024
In the old mythology,
A god or goddess,
In fairy tales, a fairy or genie
Grants wishes
Making them "reality,"
An imaginary reality
That disappears
Upon waking up.
When opening the eyes,
One sees that everything
Was dreamed-up.
Not so with our Father God.
It is when we are fully awake,
That we see that He is next to us.
When everything sinks,
And HE comforts us,
When He indicates the way to follow,
When He provides what we need--
Not necessarily what we want,
When, silently,
He counsels and speaks to us,
When, for our own wellbeing,
He disciplines
(Chastising and rewarding) us,
When He protects and heals us, ...
How great His faithfulness and love are!
Living video-camera is the eye,
Connected to a complex,
Sophisticated brain,
Which accurately determines
And sets it
For exposition and focus,
Which saves files and folders
Without number,
Takes creative decisions,
And in multiple manners
Directs and moves
--Internal and external--
Body parts.
Who is the designer?
Who the manufacturer?
Who gives them life?
Did they come to be
By an astronomical number
Of fortuitous, interconnected
It makes more sense
To believe in genies and fairies,
Or in made up
Corrupt, capricious, selfish gods,
Than to believe
In a universe made by chance,
Without a Holy, Just, Loving,
Wise, eternal,
Creator God.
"We cannot calculate the probability that an eye came about.
We don't have the information to make the calculation."
--Martin Nowak, Harvard professor of mathematics and of biology
(Quoted by Wallis, Claudia, Time Magazine, 15 August 2005, p. 32)
"I think it is a more rational position to actually believe in God
than not to believe in God. I find not believing in God slightly
"Scientific atheism is, for me, a kind of religion. It's a metaphysical
choice that has actually nothing to do with science."
"Just by having a mathematical description of gravity, it doesn't take
away God as a reason for why there is gravity, and the same is true for
anything we could learn about the living world: for natural selection,
for the mathematical description of natural selection."
"I think mathematicians unveil eternal truth, you know, that exists
independent of evolution. So you have something like prime numbers,
numbers, they are just principles that exist. So, for me, the material
world is an instantiation of fundamental principles."
"You have to ask yourself, what is the meaning of goodness and where
does goodness come from? And I would agree with Plato, that goodness is
a form--is the highest form: it's the form that illuminates all other
forms. Goodness, as the highest form, is something that exists independent
of us."
"Augustine asks the question, actually, how do these concepts that you
understand enter your brain? So if you understand the sense of touch, the
sense of smell, the sense of seeing, of hearing, and there's a certain
concept that you know, but that concept--maybe love, maybe goodness--doesn't
come to you through any of those senses. Where does it come from? It comes
from God."
"I think science is not an objective, ultimate description of reality. It
is like something that emerges at the interface of the human brain that asks
questions, certain kinds of questions, and nature that gives answers."
--The above statements are from Martin Nowak interview on "Maths, Evolution
and Cooperation (co-operators and defectors)".